Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Beyond Fit Sweetest Day!

File:Sweetest Day Editorial (1922).jpg
This is an in the article from the October 8, 1922 edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer explaining the importance of Sweetest Day.

From all accounts that I've researched Sweetest Day was a plan brought about by 12 Cleveland candy makers to increase chocolate sales.  The designated date is the third Saturday in October but it has yet to catch on as much as Valentines Day primarily because of the blatant promotional tactics to increase profits. 

The sentiments in the article above are beautiful and tug at your heart strings and if you wrap it up in a box of chocolate, cards, and balloons can tug at your waistline and wallet. But can't we find other ways to celebrate and honor the people we love?

Some Happy Beyond Fit ideas to celebrate Sweetest Day:
  1. Sit down with your family and talk about all the people important in your lives and why they are special to you. You may learn somethhing new through a funny or interesting story!
  2. Visit a local Apple Orchard or Pumpkin Patch. While there go on a hay ride or run through a corn maze.  Get some cardio in while spending time with the family.
  3. Take an elderly relative or neighbor a handmade card. What could be sweeter than a visitor when you are sick and shut in on a beautiful fall day?

I read many articles that discussed Sweetest Day as being important because of the positive effects that chocolate has on the body.


While researching I found a comment on the MayoClinic's website posted by nutritionist, Katherine Zeratsky stating some important facts regarding chocolate:
  1. Chocolate has not earned health food status yet!
  2. Cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate reduces the risk of heart disease
  3. Flavanols in cocoa beans reduce cell damage from heart disease, help lower blood pressure and improve vascular function.
  4. Dark chocolate contain more flavanols than milk chocolate.
  5. More research needs to be done

We always hear such conflicting reports about what is and isn't considered healthy .  Coming from a non-expert and non-critical position I wouldn't judge those who celebrate Sweetest Day however they want. I would want to say try to make every day Sweetest Day then the people you love will always know how much they mean to you.

Happy Sweetest Day!


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